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  • Writer's pictureDonna & Angela

Starting Preschool can be tough on the whole family.

Make it easy for your child to start preschool

Children love Routine, they love boundaries and parents and carers who can be consistent in these two areas will be on a pathway to having happier, well-adjusted children.

We all know this, there is nothing new in what teachers, psychologists and early childhood educators are saying about this, but I want to empower you today with the one thing that could possibly change your year for 2021. The saying goes, ‘we start the way we want to finish’

There is so much information to take on board with your child starting preschool/daycare and that does not take into account the angst, worry and torment you as a parent go through in coming to terms with this. It is also the case for those wonderful nannies and grandparents out there, who are doing the school drop off. Things to remember are:

  • Talk about the preschool/school environment at home. How it looked, some of the activities that were out, the outdoor area.

  • Discuss the routine of the day, (you should have this information in an orientation booklet)

  • Let them know what which part of the routine you will be picking up.


have you discussed what you are going to do at drop off time?

If there is one thing, I would say that could change the way in which your year progresses, it is this,

What is going to happen at drop off?

  • Don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best

  • Don’t ignore the feeling of angst inside you and your child and hope it goes away

  • Don’t pretend that all will be ok.

You need to take action NOW and put in place a plan, which can be openly discussed with all those who are involved in the drop off routine. This would include, Grandparents, carers, nannies and au pairs. A collective agreement as to what will happen, and then keep it consistent. Communicate regularly with each other, how it went, what worked really well and what may need a little extra tweaking.

For Example:

We are going to walk in and greet the teachers

You will unpack your own bag and there will be a space with your very own name on it where all your things will live.

Mummy can then stay for 2 things that you choose. AHHHH that was before Covid, so the planning and talking pre the actual day needs extra talk and attention because most centres will not let parents past the front door. So the dialogue will go something like this.-

We will walk into the centre and greet the Director at the door

Mummy will make sure your back pack is on your back and I can give you a great big kiss and cuddle.

You will go inside wash your hands and unpack your back, but don't worry your teachers will help you.

Remember I will be back after lunch and rest time to collect you.

If your child begins to exhibit signs of becoming upset or teary, you need to re assure them they will be safe and you will be back to collect them after rest time. You will need to stay strong at this point and wait until your are in the car before you let the tears flow freely. Children need you to feel confident for them to do so also.

Very quietly and firmly give your child a kiss, tell them you love them, will see them very soon and move away. You may need to seek teacher assistance at this point.

If you give in to a change in your promise now, it will keep going all year long.

Remember: Children love routine; they feel safe and secure in knowing what is going to happen. If you should stray from your promises you will be making a rod for your own back.

Good Luck for the year ahead, everyone deserves an excellent 2021.

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