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School Readiness Tip - Fruit

Back On Track Early Childhood Professionals

Fruit is important and packing it in your child’s lunch box is essential.

However, not all fruit is suitable!

Sultanas for example are very time consuming to eat, especially if you are a 5 year old and you eat one at a time .


Lunch at school is approximately 10-15 minutes of eating time and then the rest is playtime, so sultanas are out.

However apples, bananas, stone fruit, cut up watermelon, rockmelon and oranges are great.

Keep in mind though the size of the fruit, you don’t want to pack a large apple or banana and cause overwhelm for your child.

Choose fruit of a manageable size or cut fruit into smaller easy to manage portions.

Check out the Missile apples in the picture below they are about 3 or 4 bites as opposed to the pink lady apple which would equate to 4 servings (cut up)

So in order to set your child up for success always think about how much time they have to eat and then pack their lunch box accordingly, they will always let you know when they’re hungry!

Let us know if this tip has  helped you or share a handy tip that you've found useful when organising your child's school food.

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